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  25 percent of the blood supply goes to cancer patients    Pediatric Patients use about 1800 units every day  

  1 in 3 African American blood donors are a match for a sickle cell patient     1 in 13 African Americans has sickle cell trait

Source - U.S. Blood Donation Statistics and Public Messaging Guide, May 2022

Lifecycle of a Blood Product: From Donor to Patient


Need an image to go with a story about blood donation? We have a great image library to choose from! Click on the preview images below to access full-size images you can download. 

ImpactLife box truck

Blood Donor thumbs up

blood donor in mask

girl flexing with pink arm band

girl in gray shirt holding up arm after donating woman holding up arm after donating

woman in red holding up arm after donating blood

woman after donating blood

man holding up arm after donating

man flexing after donation

man giving thumbs up