January 2023 update

The Food and Drug Administration has released draft guidance to change the blood donation deferral of males who have sex with another male. ImpactLife, along with America’s Blood Centers, the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies, and blood centers across the country are united in support of evidence-based change to an individual sexual-behavior-based screening process for all donors intended to expand blood availability while maintaining blood safety.

Once blood centers have been issued the FDA draft guidance, a finalized version will be available after a period of review. At that time, blood centers will have 6–12 months to implement the changes involving modification to donor management software, donor screening and questionnaire protocols that will allow for new donor eligibility. ImpactLife will update communications as information becomes available. 

FDA News Release on New Draft Guidance (Jan. 27, 2023)

America's Blood Centers news release (Jan. 27, 2023)

ImpactLife news release (March 14, 2023)

Donor Eligibility Criteria

Blood providers are often asked about the donor eligibility criteria for men who have had sexual contact with other men. While all donor eligibility criteria are set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), blood centers have opportunity to provide input that may help shape future changes to U.S. FDA policy. We have joined other blood centers across the country to actively work with U.S. FDA to update the existing deferral for men who have had sexual contact with other men during the 90 days prior to their desired date of donation. For a comprehensive overview, see ImpactLife Responds to Calls for Change to Donor Eligibility Criteria.

Click here to review frequently asked eligibility questions

Additional Resources

Government of Canada  United Kingdom Department of Health and Social Care  Examining FDA’s policies on blood donations from gay and bisexual men